What Type of Services do Oral Surgeons Provide?

Before we jump into the services and procedures an oral surgeon provides, let’s briefly discuss the specialty of oral surgery and how one becomes an oral surgeon. Technically termed, oral and maxillofacial surgeons are specialists who have undergone 4 to 6 years of additional schooling in a hospital-based residency program after completion of dental school. […]

Oral Surgeon Services: IV Conscious Sedation

With modern sedation dentistry, a trip to the dental office can be more relaxing than you might think. This may come as an especially good news to people who have been putting off needed treatment because of dental anxiety. For people who are anxious about dental procedures, IV Conscious Sedation may be an excellent option. […]

Bozeman Oral Surgeon Services: Sedation Dentistry

Lots of people feel a little bit nervous when it’s time to sit in the dentist’s chair. But for some that feeling isn’t just a case of the jitters, it’s real fear. In fact, around 1 in 10 people avoid getting any dental treatment at all due to these feelings of dread. And that’s a […]

Oral Surgury Services in Bozeman: Tooth Extractions

If you’ve been told you need to have a tooth extracted, it’s natural to feel a little apprehensive, but you don’t need to worry. The old phrase, it’s like pulling teeth no longer really describes how dentists carry out this routine procedure. We’ll take a look at how tooth extraction is done in a moment, […]

Oral Surgeon in Bozeman, Montana: Wisdom Teeth

Ever wonder why the last four teeth to grow in are called wisdom teeth? Well, it’s because they usually don’t arrive until the late teens or early 20s. By then we’re supposed to be wiser. And speaking of wisdom, it’s often wise to remove one or more of these teeth, even if they aren’t causing […]